Why is the City of Richmond doing this survey?
Why is the City of Richmond doing this survey?
The information we gather from this survey will help us learn about your experiences as a youth with our current City services, activities and programs. Your participation and responses will help us update the City of Richmond Youth Service Plan 2014- 2018.
Visit the Library (link this to the report in the Let’s Talk library) to view our Youth Service Plan 2008-2012.
What do I need to do to complete the survey?
Your participation is completely voluntary. You may register before you begin the survey to receive updates on what’s happening next in this process and to find out about other opportunities to share your thoughts with the City of Richmond.
All information will stay private as you are not asked for your name or other personal information. There are no right or wrong answers. We would like you to respond based on your experiences and opinions.
The survey will take around eight minutes to complete. If after starting the survey you change your mind, you can exit the survey at any time.
How do I complete the survey?
Click on the Survey (link to the survey) tab below to begin the survey.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Contact Kate Rudelier, Youth Services Coordinator, at kate.rudelier@richmond.ca or call 604-276-4110.
How do I enter for a chance to win the prize and how will I know if I won?
You may enter for a chance to win a ________________ at the end of the survey. The draw for the winner will be take place _____________. You will only be contacted if you are the winner.