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Steveston Streetscape Survey

Steveston Streetscape Vision - Phase 2
Streetscape concepts have been developed based on feedback from Phase 1, City Council referral, the City’s Official Community Plan, key stakeholder engagement, the Steveston Village Heritage Conservation Program, and transportation design guidelines.

This phase of public engagement will focus on the developed streetscape concepts to confirm long-term public priorities for the improvement of the Steveston Village area. The presented concepts are designed to provide opportunities for discussion and collaboration between stakeholders.

Feedback during Phase 2 will inform future recommendations to Council.

Prior to completing the survey, it is recommended you first review the concept boards, background information and reports under "Resources" on the right hand side of this page to understand the historical significance and design methodology for the Steveston Village Area.

Please submit your feedback by 11:59pm on Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Your responses and privacy are valuable. Answers to the following survey questions will be complied and made anonymous prior to presentation to City Council.