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Energy and GHG Emissions Reporting Survey

In April 2024, Richmond City Council endorsed moving forward with engagement on a proposed energy and emissions reporting requirement for large existing buildings in Richmond. The goal is to receive feedback and identify needs in order to inform this potential requirement. Please complete this survey by Sunday, December 15, 2024.

We thank you for your time and participation.


I am a building owner, manager or representative of a/an: (select all that apply)

* required

My organization currently tracks the following building information: (select all that apply)


I have previous knowledge about tracking my building's/facility's energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions:


After reading the background information and learning more about energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) benchmarking, my level of support to implement a benchmarking program for my building(s) would be:


The proposed requirement is to report buildings' energy use and GHG emissions to the City of Richmond. 

Regarding energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) public data disclosure, I support the following:


Before participating in this survey, I was ______________ with energy and GHG emissions reporting tools: (fill in the blank)


Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) is free reporting and benchmarking software widely used in North America to collect, store and report annual building energy and emissions data. To use ESPM to report annual energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, I would:

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters
