What is happening?

The City of Richmond is developing a program plan for the historical assets of Terra Nova Rural Park and is seeking input from the public.

Terra Nova Rural Park is a 63-acre site that offers park visitors a unique combination of rural character with diverse ecological and recreational experiences. The park has been gradually evolving over the past 20 years with the addition of public amenities such as the trail system and the Adventure Play Environment. People have been engaged in numerous programs relating to the ecology of the park and the adjacent Sturgeon Bank Wildlife Management Area, and there are well established agriculture programs such as Garlic Fest.

The heritage buildings and the historical landscapes, which are evidence of the area's past uses, have been preserved but have not yet been fully activated and interpreted. One of the key goals in developing a program plan is to understand how people relate to the park’s historical assets and what kind of programs could be offered in the future to create the most benefit for visitors.

Balancing the uses of the park while protecting all of the values that make it unique will continue to guide decision making as programming ideas for the historical features in Terra Nova Rural Park are considered.

Ways to participate

We are looking for your input to help with the development of a program plan. The links on the side of this page contain background information that describes the features of Terra Nova Rural Park that are under consideration for the program plan.

There are three opportunities to provide input:

  1. Attend a public open house at Thompson Community Centre (5151 Granville Avenue) on Tuesday, April 9 from 3:00 to 7:00pm.
  2. Attend a public open house at Terra Nova Rural Park (in the Red Barn at 2631 Westminster Highway) on Saturday, April 13 from 11:00am to 3:00pm.
  3. Complete a 10-minute online survey by 11:59pm on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

Thanks for participating.


The Terra Nova Rural Park Programming Survey has now concluded