This Strategy was created to guide and coordinate future wayfinding in Richmond to ensure that it is well planned and connects the city through a consistent visual language. When implemented, wayfinding can help residents and visitors to Richmond move easily around the city and help them explore and discover the city’s many attractions and amenities.

What is being decided?

We would like your feedback on the draft Community Wayfinding Strategy, including your thoughts on the proposed design and colour options and places in Richmond that should be prioritized for improved wayfinding.

How to participate

Review the draft Strategy (link on this page), then complete the survey or ask questions below.

  • The Survey and Q&A are open until 11:59pm, Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
  • A printed copy of the draft Strategy can be viewed at Richmond City Hall Customer Service Desk.
  • If you need assistance completing the survey, please email or call 604-276-4103.

Your privacy is important to us. All feedback you provide will be anonymized and aggregated with others' responses to ensure individual input remains confidential.

How did we get here?

Before developing the draft Strategy, we asked for public input on wayfinding in Richmond.

  • Through a survey, in-person pop up events and workshops, we gathered feedback on the opportunities and challenges for moving around Richmond and the community’s priorities for the Strategy’s guiding principles.
  • We also gathered input on design aesthetics to understand how the wayfinding design could reflect the city and meet the goals of being accessible and easy to understand.
  • The results of the feedback gathered can be found in the What We Heard Report.

Using the feedback received, in addition to incorporating universal design and wayfinding best practices, a draft Strategy was created. The Strategy includes Guiding Principles and the Strategic Recommendations, as well as a Design Framework to action those principles and recommendations. On November 12, 2024, Richmond City Council endorsed this draft Community Wayfinding Strategy for further public engagement, which is why we are now asking for your feedback.

See the draft Community Wayfinding Strategy section of this page for reports mentioned above.

What is next?

The feedback received from this engagement will inform the Final Community Wayfinding Strategy, including how updated directional signage and other non-signage wayfinding can be implemented over time in Richmond.



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