Recycling Champion FAQs
What is a Recycling Champion?
A Recycling Champion recognizes how important it is to recycle and reduce waste and wants to utilize tools and resources to help improve recycling in their building/complex.
A Recycling Champion, will have the training and materials needed to help raise awareness and provide information and instruction on how to recycle properly.
Can my friend become a Recycling Champion?
Of course, please share Recycling Champion information within your building/complex or your community within Richmond.
I live in a Single Family Home, can I be a Recycling Champion?
Yes, we encourage all residents to be a Recycling Champion and to share information with their family, friends, neighbours and community.
What kind of commitment does being a Recycling Champion involve?
The program requires an initial time commitment to learn about your building/complex’s needs. We’ll have an introductory phone call, ask you to complete a short survey about your building/complex and participate in a training workshop (total 1-2 hours).
Beyond those initial steps, there is no specific time requirement and recommend a commitment of 1-2 hours per week as a Recycling Champion.
Is there any training involved?
Yes, we will be asking participants to join us for our Let’s Recycle Correctly Workshop so you can share the most up-to-date recycling information with your neighbours.
My building/complex needs new cart signs, are you able to provide?
Yes, please see the Resources page for the items the City can have delivered to you.