Richmond is updating its current Official Community Plan (OCP). We encourage you to learn more and provide input on this long term vision shaping the future of Richmond.
Several engagement opportunities are being offered through November in Phase one. Further engagement opportunities will be announced in Phase two and three.
Why are We Updating?
Richmond is launching an update of the Official Community Plan (OCP) that will guide the City’s growth for the next 25+ years. The current OCP was approved in 2012. Since then, Richmond’s population and economy has grown and various challenges have intensified over the years. These include but are not limited to housing affordability and climate change, with vulnerable populations experiencing the most impacts. To prepare an updated OCP, community members will be invited to get involved to help shape the future of Richmond.
What is an Official Community Plan (OCP)?
Under the provincial legislation's Local Government Act (LGA), the Official Community Plan (OCP):
- is a very comprehensive policy that outlines the long-term goals and objectives of a City
- enables the City to plan, coordinate and manage its environment, social, and economic land use interests over the long term
- must include a Regional Context Statement that aligns with Metro Vancouver region’s Regional Growth Strategy, Metro 2050
- reflects the dreams and aspirations of Richmond community members.
Council has endorsed a proposed scope and process to update the OCP. The proposed overarching themes to guide the OCP update included “Completeness, Resiliency, Equity and Adaptation” with the six targeted areas to include:
- Housing Affordability
- Community Equity
- Environmental Protection & Enhancement
- Climate Mitigation & Adaptation
- Long-Term Planning for Emerging Trends & Transformational Technologies
- Administrative Updates
OCP Timeline
Here’s how you can participate:
- Online: Submit questions under the "Ask a Question" tab below.
- Get Snapping: has now concluded, the winners and photos will be published shortly.
- In-person pop-up booths: Pop-up engagement booths were located around the city for the public to learn more about the project
- In-person open houses: Four drop-in open houses were held from November 20 - 27, 2024.
- Online survey: Available below.
Your collective input and involvement with the OCP update will contribute to shaping the future of Richmond for the next 25 years. Thank you for your involvement.
If you have any questions about the OCP update, please use As a Question tool below or email
Your privacy is important to us. All feedback you provide will be anonymized and aggregated with others' responses to ensure individual input remains confidential.