The City of Richmond recently rezoned almost 27,000 residential properties to allow small-scale multi-unit housing on single family and duplex lots.

  • This was a requirement of the Province of BC's legislation (Bill 44) which changes the way municipalities manage land use planning in order to encourage the creation of more housing supply across the province.
  • The City's new zoning regulations came into affect June 24, 2024.

It's important for residents to understand:

  • how Bill 44 mandated that the City update building regulations (zoning) to permit small-scale multi-unit housing on single-family and duplex lots
  • how this will affect residential property owners, properties and neighbourhoods.

We are interested in your feedback on the City's new small-scale multi-unit housing regulations.

We are hosting a series of open houses as well as asking for feedback online with specific focus on the City’s new small-scale multi-unit housing regulations.

Here's how you can participate:

IN PERSON: Attend a drop-in style open house:

  • July 9, 10, 11 and 17, 2024
  • See times and locations in the Timeline on this page

ONLINE: Learn more, provide feedback and ask questions:

  • If you cannot attend an open house, the information, "Feedback Form" and "Ask a Question" are here
  • The deadline to participate is Sunday, August 11, 2024.

Your collective input will contribute directly to our report to Council, shaping our efforts to better serve our community. Thank you for your participation.

If you need assistance completing the feedback form, please email

Your privacy is important to us. All feedback you provide will be anonymized and aggregated with others' responses to ensure individual input remains confidential.

Feedback Form

New Housing Regulations-Response to Bill 44

In December 2023, the Province of BC made changes to the way municipalities manage land use planning in order to encourage the creation of more housing supply across the province. If Richmond did not comply by the June 30 deadline, the Province could step in and change Richmond's bylaws without City approval or public consultation.

  • Bill 44 requires municipalities to rezone affected residential lots to permit small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH).
  • On June 24, 2024 Council rezoned almost 27,000 single-family and duplex lots throughout the city to permit small-scale multi-unit housing, as required by Bill 44.

Please share your feedback on five items within the City's new small-scale multi-unit housing regulations (zoning):

  • density/floor area
  • building height
  • roofs
  • front and rear yards
  • parking

This Feedback form closed Aug. 24, 2024. Thank you to everyone who participated.

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