The City would like your input on proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw regarding massing (size, setbacks, etc.) for single family homes in Richmond.

Please take some time to review the information provided on this site and complete the survey before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, 2017.

In the Document Library on this page, you will find all the information that will be provided at the public open houses, including all the display boards (full sized for easier viewing) and the November 28, 2016 report to Council. Please take some time to review them as you complete the survey. All feedback received will be considered in the final report to Council.

In addition, we are hosting six open houses throughout Richmond to give residents an opportunity to review the options and give their feedback. Members of the community are invited to come and learn about the possible bylaw changes, speak to City staff and provide comments. More information on the dates and times for the open houses can be found under 'Key Dates' on this page.

Thanks and let's get started.